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Aegean Blue: When Art Builds Bridges

Curator and artist Georgia Trouli and visual artist Athanasia Iris Giaxidis discuss their upcoming exhibition in Turkey.

Athanasia-Iris Giaxidis: Between the Netherlands and Kavissos

"Art gives me strength; it’s my spiritual protest."

Projector: A conversation with artist Athanasia-Iris Giaxidis about art, her two homelands—Greece and the Netherlands—and how art can be a form of healing.

STAD VAN MORGEN - Guest: Athanasia-Iris Giaxidis - 15.02.2023

"We are not destroying the planet; we are destroying our own lives"

"The planet will always be here. We may not be here because we are doing everything we can to ruin ourselves. And that makes me angry. It angers me how we harm our lives and do nothing to change it." These ecological concerns are what inspired Athanasia Giakidou to create the piece titled "The Planet’s Cry".