Shades of Individuality within the Collective.
The patinas add shades of color and texture, giving each figure subtle individuality while remaining part of the larger collective. This variety in color represents the unique experiences, dreams and inner worlds that exist within each person, even when outwardly conformed to societal expectations.
The bronze material, known for its durability and permanence, contrasts with the fragility of the ceramics, symbolizing the resilience of the human spirit in the face of long-standing societal pressures. Each patina—whether green, brown or blue—reflects an inner life that resists total submission, suggesting that beneath the surface of obedience lies a spectrum of personal identities. This hidden individuality speaks to the importance of self-awareness; only by looking within and embracing our distinct qualities can we begin to unbind ourselves. Athanasia uses these bronze figures to remind us that self-discovery is essential before we can work toward collective liberation.
Sculptural synthesis, 4 pieces each synthesis , bronze, patina.
Created in 2023